Break the ice with that cute Active Directory environment over there. Automates network attacks against Active Directory to deliver you piping hot plaintext...
Search Results For - Mac OS X
This application locates and compiles information about online personalities, given a username and/or email address. Use this to investigate your own online...
This module takes one existing image.jpg and one payload.ps1 (input by user) and builds a new payload (agent.jpg.exe) that if executed it will trigger the...
One-Lin3r is simple and light-weight framework inspired by the web-delivery module in Metasploit. It consists of various one-liners that aids in penetration...
mitm6 is a pentesting tool that exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server. It does this by replying to DHCPv6 messages...
The Automated Collection and Enrichment (ACE) platform is a suite of tools for threat hunters to collect data from many endpoints in a network and...
QuarkslaB Dynamic binary Instrumentation (QBDI) is a modular, cross-platform and cross-architecture DBI framework. It aims to support Linux, macOS, Android...
Salamandra is a tool to detect and locate spy microphones in closed environments. It find microphones based on the strength of the signal sent by the...
Collaborative (mitm) cryptocurrency mining pool in wifi networks. This script performs autonomous MITM attack on WiFi networks. It will inject a javascript in...
It’s time to learn how to renew its OS because researcher James Bercegay has found a dozen models possess a hard-coded backdoor. The backdoor, lets anyone log...