frida-wshook is an analysis and instrumentation tool which uses to hook common functions often used by malicious script files which are run using...
Search Results For - Windows 10
Console Application designed to interact with SharpSploit released by @cobbr_io SharpSploit is a tool written by @cobbr_io that combines many techniques/C#...
Camelishing Social Engineering Tool Features Bulk email sending Basic Python Agent Creator Office Excel Macro Creator DDE Excel Creator(or Custom Payload)...
ibombshell is a tool written in Powershell that allows you to have a prompt at any time with post-exploitation functionalities (and in some cases exploitation)...
FIDO U2F Security key is a personal encryption method which individualizes your online security by providing a secondary layer of encryption via the USB port...
Microsoft is addressing unusual of the performance subdividing for fixing patches to relieve the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. Windows Chief Terry...
The corporation says that version 390 of its GPU video driver will be the last to carry 32-bit platforms. “Later driver release reports will not operate, nor...
ADRecon is a tool which extracts various artifacts (as highlighted below) out of an AD environment in a specially formatted Microsoft Excel report that...
Have you ever heard about trojan droppers ? In short dropper is type of malware that downloads other malwares and Dr0p1t gives you the chance to create a...
DBC2 (DropboxC2) is a modular post-exploitation tool, composed of an agent running on the victim’s machine, a controler, running on any machine...