[sc name=”ad_1″] Based on pywebfuzz, Py3webfuzz is a Python3 module to assist in the identification of vulnerabilities in web applications, Web...
Search Results For - Python 3
[sc name=”ad_1″] TASER (Testing And SEecurity Resource) is a Python resource library used to simplify the process of creating offensive security...
[sc name=”ad_1″] PyRDP is a Python 3 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) and library. It features a few tools: RDP Man-in-the...
NXcrypt is a polymorphic ‘python backdoors’ crypter written in python by Hadi Mene (h4d3s) . The output is fully undetectable. NXcrypt can inject...
[sc name=”ad_1″] The all-in-one Red Team browser extension for Web Pentesters HackTools, is a web extension facilitating your web application...
[sc name=”ad_1″] linux post-exploitation framework made by linux user Still under active development 中文介绍 check my blog for updates how to use what...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Aura is a static analysis framework developed as a response to the ever-increasing threat of malicious packages and vulnerable...
[sc name=”ad_1″] An easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for the Censys Search Engine (censys.io). Python 3.6+ is currently supported. Getting...
[sc name=”ad_1″] An burpsuite extension to bypass 403 restricted directory. By using PassiveScan (default enabled), each 403 request will be...
[sc name=”ad_1″] TheCl0n3r will allow you to download and manage your git repositories. Preface About 90% of the penetration testing tools used in...