[sc name=”ad_1″] Scrape/Parse Pastebin using GO and grammar expression (PEG). Installation $ go get -u github.com/notdodo/pastego Usage Search keywords are...
[sc name=”ad_1″] SMB AutoRelay provides the automation of SMB/NTLM Relay technique for pentesting and red teaming exercises in active directory environments...
[sc name=”ad_1″] h2cSmuggler smuggles HTTP traffic past insecure edge-server proxy_pass configurations by establishing HTTP/2 cleartext (h2c) communications...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Small utility program to perform multiple operations for a given subnet/CIDR ranges. The tool was developed to ease load distribution for...
[sc name=”ad_1″] A multiprocessing approach to auditing Active Directory passwords using Python. About Lil Pwny Lil Pwny is a Python application to perform...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Polypyus learns to locate functions in raw binaries by extracting known functions from similar binaries. Thus, it is a firmware historian...
[sc name=”ad_1″] NERVE is a vulnerability scanner tailored to find low-hanging fruit level vulnerabilities, in specific application configurations, network...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Cooolis-ms is a server that supports Metasploit Framework RPC. It is used to work for Shellcode and PE loader, bypassing the static...
[sc name=”ad_1″] PwnedPasswordsChecker is a tool that checks if the hash of a known password (in SHA1 or NTLM format) is present in the list of I Have Been...
[sc name=”ad_1″] A set of scripts to help perform an online dictionary attack against a WPA3 access point. Wacker leverages the wpa_supplicant control...