[sc name=”ad_1″] FinalRecon is an automatic web reconnaissance tool written in python. Goal of FinalRecon is to provide an overview of the target...
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[sc name=”ad_1″] Based on pywebfuzz, Py3webfuzz is a Python3 module to assist in the identification of vulnerabilities in web applications, Web...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Hetty is an HTTP toolkit for security research. It aims to become an open source alternative to commercial software like Burp...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Instagram offers two kinds of APIs to developers. The Instagram API Platform (extremely limited in functionality and close to...
[sc name=”ad_1″] GWTMap is a tool to help map the attack surface of Google Web Toolkit (GWT) based applications. The purpose of this tool is to...
[sc name=”ad_1″] What the heck is a ferox anyway? Ferox is short for Ferric Oxide. Ferric Oxide, simply put, is rust. The name rustbuster was...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Web shell analyzer is a cross platform stand-alone binary built solely for the purpose of identifying, decoding, and tagging files...
[sc name=”ad_1″] The Trident project is an automated password spraying tool developed to meet the following requirements: the ability to be...
[sc name=”ad_1″] For a list of functions, their usage, and more, check out What is PowerZure? PowerZure is a PowerShell project created to assess...
[sc name=”ad_1″] This project allows you to easily spin up Active Directory labs in Azure with domain-joined workstations, Windows Event...