Framework for Digiduck Development Boards running ATTiny85 processors and micronucleus bootloader! Roadmap: Plan to implement a command for Duckyspark...
Archive - October 2018
RemoteRecon provides the ability to execute post-exploitation capabilities against a remote host, without having to expose your complete toolkit/agent. Often...
swap_digger is a bash script used to automate Linux swap analysis for post-exploitation or forensics purpose. It automates swap extraction and searches for...
Automates some pentesting work via an nmap XML file. As soon as each command finishes it writes its output to the terminal and the files in output-by-service/...
What is SSRF vulnerability? Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a type of vulnerability class where attacker sends crafted request from a vulnerable web...
This is a tool to enumerate subdomains using the Certificate Transparency logs stored by Censys. It should return any subdomain who has ever been issued a SSL...