MoneyTaker hackers, A group of Russian hackers, has been laying waste to banks internationally and locally. In the past 18 months, this group has stolen a...
Search Results For - Boot Time
Hijacker is a Graphical User Interface for the penetration testing tools Aircrack-ng, Airodump-ng, MDK3 and Reaver. It offers a simple and easy UI to use these...
sslh accepts connections on specified ports, and forwards them further based on tests performed on the first data packet sent by the remote client. Probes for...
Essentially it’s a WiFi hotspot that is continually collecting all the packets transmitted across it. All connected clients’ HTTPS communications are subjected...
Nishang is an open source framework and collection of powerful PowerShell scripts and payloads that you can use during penetration testing audit, post...
cve-search is a tool to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) into a MongoDB to facilitate search and...
Use nmap to scan hidden “onion” services on the Tor network. Minimal image based on alpine, using proxychains to wrap nmap. Tor and dnsmasq are run as daemons...
Exitmap is a fast and modular Python-based scanner for Tor exit relays. Exitmap modules implement tasks that are run over (a subset of) all exit relays. If you...
cve-search is a tool to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) into a MongoDB to facilitate search and...