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PoshBot is a chat bot written in PowerShell. It makes extensive use of classes introduced in PowerShell 5.0. PowerShell modules are loaded into PoshBot and instantly become available as bot commands. PoshBot currently supports connecting to Slack to provide you with awesome ChatOps goodness.
What Can PoshBot Do?
Pretty much anything you want No seriously. PoshBot executes functions or cmdlets from PowerShell modules. Use PoshBot to connect to servers and report status, deploy code, execute runbooks, query APIs, etc. If you can write it in PowerShell, PoshBot can execute it.
Detailed documentation can be found at ReadTheDocs.
Building PoshBot
See Building PoshBot for documentation on how to build PoshBot from source.
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
[YouTube] PowerShell Summit 2018 – Invoke-ChatOps: Level up and change your culture with chat and PowerShell
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrs49IdnSHc&w=560&h=315]
To get started now, get a SLACK-API-TOKEN for your bot:
# Install the module from PSGallery
Install-Module -Name PoshBot -Repository PSGallery
# Import the module
Import-Module -Name PoshBot
# Create a bot configuration
$botParams = @{
Name = 'name'
BotAdmins = @('<SLACK-CHAT-HANDLE>')
CommandPrefix = '!'
LogLevel = 'Info'
BackendConfiguration = @{
Name = 'SlackBackend'
AlternateCommandPrefixes = 'bender', 'hal'
$myBotConfig = New-PoshBotConfiguration @botParams
# Start a new instance of PoshBot interactively or in a job.
Start-PoshBot -Configuration $myBotConfig #-AsJob
Basic usage:
# Create a Slack backend
$backendConfig = @{Name = 'SlackBackend'; Token = '<SLACK-API-TOKEN>'}
$backend = New-PoshBotSlackBackend -Configuration $backendConfig
# Create a PoshBot configuration
$pbc = New-PoshBotConfiguration -BotAdmins @('<MY-SLACK-HANDLE>') -BackendConfiguration $backendConfig
# Save configuration
Save-PoshBotConfiguration -InputObject $pbc -Path .PoshBotConfig.psd1
# Load configuration
$pbc = Get-PoshBotConfiguration -Path .PoshBotConfig.psd1
# Create an instance of the bot
$bot = New-PoshBotInstance -Configuration $pbc -Backend $backend
# Start the bot
# Available commands
Get-Command -Module PoshBot
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Get-PoshBot 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Get-PoshBotConfiguration 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Get-PoshBotStatefulData 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotCardResponse 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotConfiguration 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotDiscordBackend 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotFileUpload 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotInstance 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotMiddlewareHook 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotScheduledTask 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotSlackBackend 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotTeamsBackend 0.12.0 poshbot
Function New-PoshBotTextResponse 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Remove-PoshBotStatefulData 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Save-PoshBotConfiguration 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Set-PoshBotStatefulData 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Start-PoshBot 0.12.0 poshbot
Function Stop-Poshbot 0.12.0 poshbot
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