This is a python based script to identify hosts vulnerable to CVE-2018-10933. The vulnerability is present on versions of libssh 0.6+ and was remediated by a...
Category - Vulnerability Analysis
Vulnerability analysis, also known as vulnerability assessment, is a process that defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure.
Atlas is an open source tool that can suggest sqlmap tampers to bypass WAF/IDS/IPS, the tool is based on returned status code. Screen Installation $ git clone...
What is Subdomain Takeover? Subdomain takeover is a class of vulnerability where subdomain points to an external service that has been deleted. The external...
What is SSRF vulnerability? Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a type of vulnerability class where attacker sends crafted request from a vulnerable web...
Domain Hijacking is a well-known security issue that can be carried in many different ways. In addition to social engineering or unauthorized access to the...
Camelishing Social Engineering Tool Features Bulk email sending Basic Python Agent Creator Office Excel Macro Creator DDE Excel Creator(or Custom Payload)...
A Penetration Testing Framework created for Hackers / Pentester / Bug Hunter Menu Web Pentest | Banner Grab | Whois | Traceroute | DNS Record | Reverse DNS...
Sn1per Community Edition is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities. Sn1per...
Fuxi Scanner is an open source network security vulnerability scanner, it comes with multiple functions. Vulnerability detection & management...
Vooki is a free web application vulnerability scanner. Vooki is a user-friendly tool that you can easily scan any web application and find the vulnerabilities...