PowerSAP is a simple powershell re-implementation of popular & effective techniques of all public tools such as Bizploit, Metasploit auxiliary modules, or...
Category - Exploitation Tools
Web Services Scanning that are frequently used by companies since communication between network, application and web based devices are improved. Its also used to report vulnerabilities with a high degree of accuracy and specificity and with this tool, you can actively exploit vulnerabilities.
An RTSP stream access tool that comes with its library. Cameradar allows you to Detect open RTSP hosts on any accessible target host Detect which device model...
A slow data siphon for MySQL/MariaDB using bitwise operation on printable ASCII characters, via a blind-SQL injection. Usage USAGE: blisqy.py --server <Web...
Stealing desktop telegrams has never been so easy ! Set the email and sender details of the sender and recipient and send it to the victim after compiling. How...
Run PowerShell with dlls only. Does not require access to powershell.exe as it uses powershell automation dlls. dll mode: Usage: rundll32 PowerShdll,main...
LFiFreak is a tool for exploiting local file inclusions using PHP Input, PHP Filter and Data URI methods. Features Works with Windows, Linux and OS X Includes...
Hey Guys, In this video i show you how to generate shellcodes and Backdoors using ShellSploit Framework and Kali Linux 2017.2. ShellSploit: Shellsploit...
Hey Guys, In this video i show you how to use PasteJacking to hack any operating system using PasteZort and Kali Linux 2017.1. PasteZort: Installation and...
pythem is a multi-purpose pentest framework written in Python. It has been developed to be used by security researchers and security professionals. The tool...
Windows’ BITS service is a middleman for your download jobs. You start a BITS job, and from that point on, BITS is responsible for the download. But what if we...