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Undetectable Reverse shell & Xor encrypting with custom KEY(FUD Metasploit Rat) bypass Top Antivirus like BitDefender,Malwarebytes,Avast,ESET-NOD32,AVG,…(PYTHON 3)
Undetectable Reverse shell (Metasploit Rat)
Xeexe is an FUD exploiting tool which compiles a malware with famous payload, and then the compiled maware can be executed on Windows Xeexe Provides An Easy way to create Backdoors and Payload which can bypass TOP antivirus.
Features !
- python3 and Ngrok support.
- Automatically Xor encrypting with custum KEY that you can use for increasing bypass Av.
- Automatically Add Icon to executable.
- Automatically Add Manifest to executable.
- Bypass anti-virus backdoors with pure raw and xor.
- Support os windows 7 to windows 10.
- Fully Automating MSFvenom & Metasploit.
- custum icon (copy your icon to icon folder and rename it to icon.ico)
- add PowerShell to silent executable.
- bypass Top Antivirus like BitDefender,Malwarebytes,Avast,ESET-NOD32,AVG,…
- Add Right To Left unicode (Rtlo Attack) – Example: Xegpj.exe => Xeexe.jpg
- Add Random sign to Xeexe binary For Persistence FUD
- …
Installation & How To Use
Instructions on how to install Xeexe
git clone https://github.com/persianhydra/Xeexe-TopAntivirusEvasion.git
cd Xeexe-TopAntivirusEvasion
chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh
chmod +x Xeexe.py && python3 Xeexe.py
- Metasploit Framework
- msfvenom
- Wine
- Mingw-w64 Compiler
Update Log
Version 1.0.1 = fix error first time run
Credits & Thanks
Hack The World
See the License file for more details.
This tool is for educational purpose only, usage of Xeexe for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage cause by this program.
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Hello, please help me. I have made a payload through xeexe and now for testing it, I have downloaded it into VM windows. Please tell me which listener should i open for payload with Xeexe.
P.s: I tried with msfconsole but not able to establish any connection AND also please could you specify what “set payload _____” I should write if using meterpreter for listening.