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A Password Spraying tool for Active Directory Credentials by Jacob Wilkin(Greenwolf)
Getting Started
These instructions will show you the requirements for and how to use Spray.
All requirements come preinstalled on Kali Linux, to run on other flavors or Mac just make sure curl(owa & lync) and rpcclient(smb) are installed using apt-get or brew.
Using Spray
This script will password spray a target over a period of time It requires password policy as input so accounts are not locked out
Accompanying this script are a series of hand crafted password files for multiple languages. These have been crafted from the most common active directory passwords in various languages and all fit in the complex (1 Upper, 1 lower, 1 digit) catagory.
To password spray a SMB Portal, a userlist, password list, attempts per lockout period, lockout period length and the domain must be provided
Useage: spray.sh -smb <targetIP> <usernameList> <passwordList> <AttemptsPerLockoutPeriod> <LockoutPeriodInMinutes> <DOMAIN>
Example: spray.sh -smb users.txt passwords.txt 1 35 SPIDERLABS
Optionally Skip Username%Username Spray: spray.sh -smb users.txt passwords.txt 1 35 SPIDERLABS skipuu
To password spray an OWA portal, a file must be created of the POST request with the Username: sprayuser@domain.com, and Password: spraypassword
Useage: spray.sh -owa <targetIP> <usernameList> <passwordList> <AttemptsPerLockoutPeriod> <LockoutPeriodInMinutes> <RequestsFile>
Example: spray.sh -owa users.txt passwords.txt 1 35 post-request.txt
To password spray a lync service, a lync autodiscover url or a url that returns the www-authenticate header must be provided along with a list of email addresses
Useage: spray.sh -lync <targetIP> <usernameList> <passwordList> <AttemptsPerLockoutPeriod> <LockoutPeriodInMinutes>
Example: spray.sh -lync https://lyncdiscover.spiderlabs.com/ users.txt passwords.txt 1 35
Example: spray.sh -lync https://lyncweb.spiderlabs.com/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root/oauth/user users.txt passwords.txt 1 35
To password spray a CISCO Web VPN service, a target portal or server hosting a portal must be provided
Useage: spray.sh -cisco <targetURL> <usernameList> <passwordList> <AttemptsPerLockoutPeriod> <LockoutPeriodInMinutes>
Example: spray.sh -ciso usernames.txt passwords.txt 1 35
Password List Update
It is also possible to update the supplied 2016/2017 password list to the current year
Useage: spray.sh -passupdate <passwordList>
Example: spray.sh -passupdate passwords.txt
An optional company name can also be provided to add to the list
Useage: spray.sh -passupdate <passwordList> <CompanyName>
Example: spray.sh -passupdate passwords.txt Spiderlabs
Username generation
A username list can also be generated from a list of common names
Useage: spray.sh -genusers <firstnames> <lastnames> "<<fi><li><fn><ln>>"
Example: spray.sh -genusers english-first-1000.txt english-last-1000.txt "<fi><ln>"
Example: spray.sh -genusers english-first-1000.txt english-last-1000.txt "<fn>.<ln>"
- Jacob Wilkin – Research and Development – Trustwave SpiderLabs
Spray Created by Jacob Wilkin Copyright (C) 2017 Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- Thanks to insidetrust for their great statistically likely usernames project which I have included in the name-lists folder
- Thanks to iditabad and vortexau for their pull request contributions to the project.
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