Break the ice with that cute Active Directory environment over there. Automates network attacks against Active Directory to deliver you piping hot plaintext...
Search Results For - Hashes
Recon-ng is a full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python. Complete with independent modules, database interaction, built in convenience...
State-of-the-art password guessing tools, such as HashCat and John the Ripper (JTR), enable users to check billions of passwords per second against password...
Security researchers from Rhino Labs (a US-based cyber-security firm) have found that cyber criminals can use a Microsoft Word feature dubbed subDoc to fool...
Wazuh is a security detection, visibility, and compliance open source project. It was born as a fork of OSSEC HIDS, later was integrated with Elastic Stack and...
A user-friendly Web interface to share an hashcat cracking box among multiple users with some pre-defined options. Outline This Web application can be used to...
Nishang is an open source framework and collection of powerful PowerShell scripts and payloads that you can use during penetration testing audit, post...
hashcat is the world’s fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting five unique modes of attack for over 200 highly-optimized hashing...
There are some features that we think SQLMap should have. Like finding admin panel of the target, better hash cracking etc. If you think the same, SQLMate is...