Vulnerability Analysis

Camelishing – Social Engineering Tool

Camelishing - Social Engineering Tool

Social Engineering Tool


  1. Bulk email sending
  2. Basic Python Agent Creator
  3. Office Excel Macro Creator
  4. DDE Excel Creator(or Custom Payload)
  5. Return İnformation
    • [Mail Open Track]
    • [Agent Open Track]
  6. AutoSave
  7. Statistics Report
  8. User Control

Installation Modules

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ Install Microsoft Office

Tested and Supported

[+]Windows 7
[+]Windows 10


Mail Sender

[+]Note :  Compress and send the exe file(rar,zip)

[+] Start Project : python


Macro Creator

Agent Creator


DDE Creator

General Setting

Mail Send

Open Mail

Return Information


Statistic Report

and more…


| Coded Abdulaziz ALTUNTAŞ |
| Email: |
| Github: github/azizaltuntas     |
| Twitter: @esccopyright          |

Website security, detecting malwares on the website and removal services, website backup services, daily website file scanning and file changes monitoring