Selenium powered Python script to automate searching the web for vulnerable applications. DorkNet can take a single dork or a list of dorks as arguments. After...
Archive - October 2017
Intelligence and Reconnaissance Package/Bundle installer. IntRec-Pack is a Bash script designed to download, install and deploy several quality OSINT, Recon...
In May 2017, Kaspersky security researchers have noticed a forum post advertising ATM (Automated teller machine) malware that was targeting specific vendor...
Unfortunately, it looks like the method is still in effect. Philip Neustrom, the co-founder of Shotwell Labs, lately found two demo websites that would pass...
Ever been wondering if your ISP is hijacking your DNS traffic? Ever observed any misbehavior with your DNS responses? Ever been redirected to wrong address and...
Shadow is a unique discrete-event network simulator that runs real applications like Tor and Bitcoin, and distributed systems of thousands of nodes on a single...
Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. Cryptomator provides transparent, client-side encryption for your cloud. Protect...
cve-search is a tool to import CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) and CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) into a MongoDB to facilitate search and...
CyberScan is an open source penetration testing tool that can analyse packets , decoding , scanning ports, pinging and geolocation of an IP including...
This has been a story drifting around the internet the last few days. The victim was Elitoohey.He refined on the situation in a Reddit post, saying the bank...