Another day, Another data breach disclosure. This time the popular commenting system has fallen victim to a massive security breach. Disqus, the company which...
Archive - October 2017
Habu is to teach (and learn) some concepts about Python and Network Hacking. These are basic functions that help with some tasks for Ethical Hacking and...
Stealing desktop telegrams has never been so easy ! Set the email and sender details of the sender and recipient and send it to the victim after compiling. How...
SMBMap allows users to enumerate samba share drives across an entire domain. List share drives, drive permissions, share contents, upload/download...
Run PowerShell with dlls only. Does not require access to powershell.exe as it uses powershell automation dlls. dll mode: Usage: rundll32 PowerShdll,main...
LFiFreak is a tool for exploiting local file inclusions using PHP Input, PHP Filter and Data URI methods. Features Works with Windows, Linux and OS X Includes...
A simple utility to convert EXE files to PNG images and vice versa.
Putty.exe converted to an image.
Download Exe2Image
Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere...
Do you know—United States Government has banned federal agencies from using Kaspersky antivirus software over spying fear? Though there’s no solid...
If you are an iPhone user and use Uber app, you would be surprised to know that widely popular ride-hailing app can record your screen secretly. Security...