[sc name=”ad_1″] An API for analyzing & finding a person profile across +300 social media websites. It includes different string analysis and...
Tag - websites
[sc name=”ad_1″] With the popularity of web front-end packaging tools, have you encountered more and more websites represented by Webpack packager...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Scripthunter is a tool that finds javascript files for a given website. To scan Google, simply run ./scripthunter.sh . Note that...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Gitjacker downloads git repositories and extracts their contents from sites where the .git directory has been mistakenly uploaded...
[sc name=”ad_1″] ReconSpider is most Advanced Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Framework for scanning IP Address, Emails, Websites, Organizations...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Search Google, Bing, Yahoo or Yandex for a search term with different websites. A default list is already provided, which contains...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Auto Phishing form-based websites. This tool can automatically detect inputs on html form-based websites to create a phishing page...
[sc name=”ad_1″] This tool can scan websites with open .git repositories for Bug Hunting/ Pentesting Purposes and can dump the content of the .git...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Bing-ip2hosts is a Bing.com web scraper to discover hostnames by IP address. Description Bing-ip2hosts is a Bing.com web scraper...
[sc name=”ad_1″] Username recognition on various websites. Installation With pip3 # Linux sudo -H pip3 install git+ --upgrade userrecon-py --help...