NXcrypt is a polymorphic ‘python backdoors’ crypter written in python by Hadi Mene (h4d3s) . The output is fully undetectable. NXcrypt can inject...
Tag - Bypass
WhatWaf is an advanced firewall detection tool who’s goal is to give you the idea of “There’s a WAF?”. WhatWaf works by detecting a...
Have you ever heard about trojan droppers ? In short dropper is type of malware that downloads other malwares and Dr0p1t gives you the chance to create a...
Linux ELF x32 and x64 ASLR bypass exploit with stack-spraying. Properties: ASLR bypass Cross-platform Minimalistic Simplicity Unpatchable Dependencies: Linux 2...
A wrapper tool for shadowsocks to consistently bypass firewalls. Quick start Automatically connect The easiest way to run this tool is just type ssct in...
Run PowerShell with dlls only. Does not require access to powershell.exe as it uses powershell automation dlls. dll mode: Usage: rundll32 PowerShdll,main...